Disney's Frozen - "Let It Go" Multi-Language Full Sequence - YouTube 覺得集體拍照很無趣,每個人只是站着一排拍?想要來點特別的拍照方式?可以試下以下的姿勢。讓身邊的這些東西入鏡,讓它成為你的 「裝飾品」 吧!在街拍的時候,可以利用身邊的事物來增添一點層次感,可以減少站一排的尷尬或者不懂要如何站才好的 Feel 哦~ On Digital HD Now and Blu-ray 3/18 disney.com/ownfrozen Get the soundtrack now on iTunes: http://di.sn/sH2 Disney's Frozen is the Golden Globe winner for Best Animated Film! Hear "Let It Go," the Academy Award nominee for Best Original Song, in 25 differe...