一鏡到底MV目前沒人可以超越的OK GO,最新作品看完只能說:你們又離神更近了!
Appu’s Cafe - Vegan - Long Beach, CA - Reviews - Photos - Menu - Yelp 要說現在影像作品使用一鏡到底的作品可能給各位一個下午的時間都說不完這項接龍遊戲,但若是問起令各位印象最深刻的推薦影像,我想這組美國樂團《OK GO》應該會占大多數朋友的回答選項。 這組來自美國的樂團《OK GO》真正讓他們一夕爆紅的其實並非是他們的音樂作品,而是一直以來《OK GO》都是利用一鏡到129 Reviews of Appu's Cafe "My boyfriend had found this place and as it seemed to have an amazing rating, we decided to try it. I'll admit, I was a little sketched out walking in and finding it located in a doctor's building... but I had no reason…...