let's go for it just for the night

'Mad Men' Finale: What Was Awesome, What Was Frustrating And Why It's Hard To Let Go 短短五秒,我卻重播了20次! 太爆笑啦!!Well. It’s hard to write about series finales, because whatever I say here might be taken as the final word regarding my assessment of the show in question. So let me say up front: I absolutely love “Mad Men.” It has supplied me not just with many hours o...


Martin Luther’s pro-sex shocker: “Does the pope set up laws? Let him set them up for himself and kee 16歲的橋本環奈因上面這張表演中偶然被拍下的照片爆紅! 被形容是有天使光環的女人,但近日卻傳出她遭其他藝人排擠的消息, 連akb48都將她選為最具危脅性藝人第一名,表明最怕被她比下去!   許多女藝人都不願跟她同台,理由竟然是她太可愛了! 一同台就會被比下去,就像被她的美貌打臉一樣! 天Inevitably, he found biblical validation for the sporting that goes on between husband and wife. “We are permitted to laugh and have fun with and embrace our wives, whether they are naked or clothed,” just as Isaac fondled his wife in Genesis 26:8. (Later...


* Sew we Stitch SQUAD網拍好康活動又來囉!!! 為因應228連續假期,SQUAD推出了網拍任選2件8折的優惠,2/27(五)00:00~至3/1(日)23:59止活動為期只有3天,想要搶便宜的朋友們就趁這時候啦!!!!!! ■活動時間:2/27(五)~3/1(日) 00:00 準時開始~ ■活動內容:SQUAFrom the time David shared his goal to ride in this Ride To Conquer Cancer, my cheering began... Cheering is very tiring after awhile especially when you are never quite sure that day will come and when it does YOU worry that HE may be disappointed and ha...


The moment I learned just how far Uber will go to silence journalists and attack women | PandoDaily女人也會有好女人與壞女人之分,當然今天要講的這10種女人也不能說有多少的壞,只是一般男人可能吃不消,所以,白送給你都可能要做慎重考慮才能碰喔!1.把男人當玩物的女人她的愛情字典裡沒有「唯一」這兩字,她懂得利用女人的天賦來讓男人心悅誠服,從不同的男人身上獲取不同的需要,同時巧妙的讓每個人都一位是她的真A big debate among the Pando staff for the past two years has been over just how morally bankrupt Uber is. Earlier this evening, a bombshell story by Buzzfeed editor-in-chief Ben Smith proves the reality is way worse than anyone on our team could have exp...


TV's Top Couple Tournament 2015: Vote For Your Favorite Pairing in the Elite 8 Now! | E! Online 情人節前夕,伯爵(PIAGET)為每一對甜蜜的戀人們推出了優雅瑰麗的珠寶系列,讓空氣中瀰漫浪漫氣氛。這一次,伯爵以最引以為傲的頂級工藝,將彼此的濃情蜜意化作繁開玫瑰,綻放在戀人最動人的舉手投足之間。 PIAGET POSSESSION 以戀人擁抱的相互圓形為概念,Possession系列舞蹈出珠寶How are we feeling today, shippers? We're not tired, right? Good, because it's time for the next round of 2015's TV's Top Couple Tournament, and we have just eight couples left in the running. Voting in the Elite 8 closes on Wednesday, March 11 at 5 p.m. ...
