let's run away的意思

run是什麼意思_run的翻譯_音標_讀音_用法_例句_愛詞霸在線詞典五体投地式 1. The ballot was re-run on Mr Todd's insistence after accusations of malpractice. 因被控舞弊,在托德先生的堅持下重新進行了投票。 來自柯林斯例句 2. The President's speeches are regularly reproduced verbatim in the state-run newspapers....


flow是什麼意思_flow的翻譯_音標_讀音_用法_例句_愛詞霸在線詞典 現在想想這也是理所當然的事....Lunch at Harry's Bar was in full flow when Irene made a splendid entrance... 當艾琳光彩照人地出現在門口時,哈裡酒吧的午餐會正是熱閙非凡。 The Everton keeper needed all his courage to thwart a charging Vinny Jones in full flow....


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