let's rock the world

Let's Do It! World - Official Site   1.電車難題(The Trolley Problem) 「電車難題」要數倫/理學領域最為知名的思想實驗之一,其內容大致是:一個瘋子把五個無辜的人綁在電車軌道上。 一輛失控的電車朝他們駛來,並且片刻後就要碾壓到他們。幸運的是,你可以拉一個拉杆,讓電車開到另一條軌道上。 但是還有一個問題Let’s Do It! World is a civic led mass movement that aims to clean up the whole World from illegally dumped solid waste and to then keep our planet clean! First by mapping and cleaning up the illegal waste littering our countryside. Then by delving deeper...


Pounding The Rock - Official Site      (圖文綜合自網絡)   吉普賽女郎。我心目中的「艾絲美拉達」。     第一個美籍華裔知名影星——黃柳霜     日本女武士,這身打扮挺帥的。     阿爾及利亞的Here's to Jeff Ayres and Aron Baynes by Michael Erler The Spurs have followed through on Gregg Popovich's pledge to re-tool the roster. That means some Spurs are now former Spurs. Let's take a moment to thank them for their efforts....


Europe - The Band▲最新潮流黑膠裝(source:instagram,下同)   大家好,我是煞氣編。 今天煞氣編要來帶大家國外跑趴最新潮流服裝「黑膠裝」,大家一定滿臉問號,用黑色膠帶做衣服,到底是什麼。據distractify報導,這是邁阿密藝術家 Joel Alvarez 所發起的The Black TWelcome to the website for Europe. Listen to music, see upcoming tour dates, watch videos, view photo gallery, and purchase merchandise....


'Top Five' Filmmaker Chris Rock Pens Blistering Essay on Hollywood's Race Problem: "It's a White Ind本文獲得微信公眾號 英國那些事兒(hereinuk) 授權,原始標題:他被判入獄98年,卻因法庭筆誤被提前釋放。如果他已經重新做人,還應該被抓回去麼? 今天故事的主人公名叫Rene Lima-Marin,出生於古巴。   今年37歲的他,因為一場烏龍, 經歷了人生中最幸I was probably 19 when I first came to Hollywood. Eddie Murphy brought me out to do Beverly Hills Cop II and he had a deal at Paramount, so I remember going through the gates of the Paramount lot. He's in a Rolls-Royce, and he's not just a star, he's the ...


Ubuntu Tweak - Let's rock with Ubuntu本文獲得微信公眾號 英國那些事兒(hereinuk) 授權,原始標題:三年每天餵袋鼠肉,這妹紙硬是把軟萌的小奶喵餵成了全世界最長的家養喵,這畫風   下面這妹子是Stephy Hirst,來自澳洲墨爾本。   3年前,妹子和老公一起領養了一隻小奶喵... 為它Ubuntu Tweak is an application designed to config Ubuntu easier for everyone. ... Welcome! Ubuntu Tweak is an application to config Ubuntu easier for everyone. It provides many useful desktop and system options that the default desktop environment doesn't...


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - Official Site   普通咖啡在他手中, 玩出了別樣精彩。   咖啡拉花 Cream art   咖啡拉花,我們常見的, 大都是下面幾種樣式, 似乎很難有什麼創新。           然而Kangbin Lee, 卻憑藉自己的咖啡拉花Ah yes, I’ve just checked and it is a day ending in y, meaning a free to play MMO has entered open beta. This go round on the roulette wheel is Skyforge’s [official site], made chiefly by the lot behind Russian MMO Allods Online, Allods Team (formerly Ast...
