LEVIS | Buy Mens Levis 511 UK, Levi Commuter 510, 501, 508前陣子,有一名加拿大男子,女朋友跟他說:她懷孕了!先說是雙胞胎,之後又說是三胞胎......最後變成了:5胞胎!!! 看著女友的肚子一天比一天大...這名男子開始興奮,感覺欣喜,連五張嬰兒床都預備好了,名字也取好了...而臉書上的好友們也紛紛遞上祝福。 在經過34周之後,他們想起來該去做產檢了...Levis is the benchmark for all other denim brands, the new Levis Commuter range is sentiment to the quality and innovation of Levis ... Levis Jeans Founded in San Francisco in 1853 as a dry good business, Levi’s produced the first pair of blue denim jeans...