Levi's 501 STF fit vs 514s - Activity Stream - Dappered Threads ▲榻榻米照,(source:instagram) 哈囉大家,我是咩咩蟲OwO 女生的胸部不只是男生喜歡看,女生其實看到巨乳也會超好奇,尤其是大得不可思議的那種,雖然很羨慕,卻也同情一定常常腰酸背痛。不過根據國外網站rocketnews24的分享,擁有I CUP的日本寫真女星柳瀬早紀在IG上分享了榻As I recall, the leg openings were a similar size on the 501s and 514s I've owned. The main difference is that the 501 is a lot more generously cut in the seat/thigh and has a higher rise. Also, while I size up one for my 514s, I found that I wore my usua...