Lexus SC 430 Review - Research New & Used Lexus SC 430 Models | Edmunds 自從網路相簿開始成為絕大多數人保存相片的地方後,加上任何網友都能欣賞到相簿的內容,素人界的「正妹」或者「型男」便開始悄然而生,甚至人氣高的正妹經由曝光後媒體報導,更直接進入演藝圈,一圓明星夢。不止是台灣,大陸也出現許多人氣正妹,日韓更是不勝枚舉,連金髮碧眼的美國、俄羅斯等等,也出現宛如芭比娃娃的夢Read Lexus SC 430 reviews & specs, view Lexus SC 430 pictures & videos, and get Lexus SC 430 prices & buying advice for both new & used models here. ... Shortly after the launch of the Lexus brand in the early '90s, this luxury automaker introduced its SC...