LS460 vs. LS 460 L - Club Lexus Forums▲天啊...玩得太過火了吧?(source:youtube下同) 年輕人,總是不停地犯傻,不管是賀爾蒙作祟還是閒著真的太閒,不少誇張瘋狂的行徑總是可以在年輕人上看到,雖然說這才叫做青春啊...非常誇張的開玩笑在國外年輕人身上是非常常見的事情,但有時玩笑開大了也是會出事的,日前一名國外年輕人,趁著朋友LS460 vs. LS 460 L LS - 4th Gen (2007-present) ... My take on it, is both perform the same. I've test drove both. There is not much of a difference in quietness in the cabin, but I've heard the laminated windows do help a little....