一方BMW X7
2015 Lexus LX - Eight-Passenger Luxury SUV | Lexus.com●當家旗艦七人座LSUV ●車身尺碼5151×2000×1805mm ●氣壓懸吊與魔毯 ●水晶中控套件 ●建議售價 488萬元起 何謂未演先轟動,就是當BMW X7還未正式發表,僅露出半個車頭就讓全世界陷入瘋狂的盛況,如今這部BMW品牌家族扮相最威猛,車格最魁梧的旗艦七人座LSUV正式降臨國內,The Lexus LX 570 eight-passenger luxury SUV equals spaciousness, luxuriousness, and power. Find out why the Lexus LX is a high-performance luxury SUV. ... The eight-passenger LX offers the capability to deftly go where most vehicles dare not tread, along ...