INFINITI熱銷捷報 全球與臺灣銷量同創新高
LG Optimus 4X HD - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia趁著進口車占率有持續攀升之勢,INFINITI上半年熱銷令人驚艷!累計2015年1-7月,不僅較去年同期成長達85%,更創下近10年來的新高!卓越的熱銷氣勢,不僅超越國內豪華車市場19.3%的成長率,即使在全球INFINITI同步大幅成長的市場中,臺灣的銷量成長表現依然亮眼,成長率甚至超越近年來急速The LG Optimus 4X HD is a slate, multi-touch smartphone running the Android operating system. Designed and manufactured by LG Electronics. The Optimus 4X HD was the world's first smartphone announced with a quad-core processor along with the HTC One X and...