LG OLED TV. The Ultimate Display 31歲汶萊王子馬利克,近日和22歲新娘結婚, 新娘的職業是數據分析師,婚禮辦了11天, 整場婚禮極盡奢華,新郎穿的禮服鑲滿黃金及鑽石, 新娘的捧花是鑽石及水晶打造而成, 穿的新娘鞋也鑲滿了水晶及鑽石, 馬利克是國王最小的兒子, 王位繼承人順位第二, 這才叫炫富呀! 但小編有個疑問是&h55 inches and only 4mm thin, the world's largest and slimmest OLED TV with picture quality that is sheer perfection. This is not an evolution. It's a brave new beginning. LG CURVED OLED The World's First Curved OLED TV Try to The Lite Version EXPERIENCE ....