揭密!生活在「毒窟」的2歲女孩 毒蟲父母養大的孩子
Lie and lay 攝影師伊琳娜‧波波娃(Irina Popova)拍攝一個俄羅斯2歲小女孩阿斯菲娜(Asfina)的生活,小女孩的成長環境被貧困、毒品、暴力和酒精所環繞,他的父母以及父母的朋友們通通都吸毒又酗酒! 照片裡,父母和朋友們嗑藥狂歡,阿斯菲娜在一旁無聊的趴在沒有柵欄的開放式窗戶上探頭探腦著;或是模仿父母的Correct Usage: Lie Present tense: I lie down on my bed to rest my weary bones. Past tense: Yesterday, I lay there thinking about what I had to do during the day. Past participle: But I remembered that I had lain there all morning one day last ......