Lie to Me - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 年輕人真的不要太虐待自己....有爽到就好了 縱慾過度可是會猝死的啊...之前新聞有報有沒有在看!!! 小心一點拉 dcard原文 這件事情 現在回想起來 簡直是個噩夢 而且一輩子真的成笑柄了 也不敢面對我父母了. ******************** 我沒有女朋友. 是個處男.Plot [edit] Season one opens with Cal and Gillian hiring a new associate: TSA officer Ria Torres, who scored extraordinarily high on Cal's deception-detection diagnostic, and is in turn labeled a "natural" at deception detection. Her innate talent in the ...