Life with Aspergers: What is Stimming and what does it feel like? 今天要說的小哥是他,Ben Brooksby 24歲的小哥,是來自澳大利亞的農民,他也沒想到有一天靠著一張裸照火了起來... 故事還得從2016年說起... 那年的農忙時節,他的攝影師朋友Emma cross跑來他所在的農場取景, 看著剛收穫的一卡車豆子,Emma興奮地兩Anonymous said... Hi, I have 16 YO AS son who blurts out dialogue from TV shows and/or movies, and chews his fingernails to the quick. He says he does these when bored. He doesn't always realize he is stimming and doesn't like to talk about them. Is it a ...