看了你會變聰明的 10 部日本動漫 這些劇情都超燒腦的!
Li-Fi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 身為一個動漫迷,相信大家都知道日本動漫當中不乏劇情龐大的大氣之作,尤其是追著連載跑的讀者,每次都會想「啊~不知道作者下次會出什麼招啊~~」,而漫畫家們也時常給出驚喜的轉折,或早已設定好的巨大祕密,讓讀者邊看邊燒腦!日本網站 goo 就請了 500 位涉獵廣泛的動漫迷,男女各半半,選出他們心目中「看Li-Fi, as coined by Prof. Harald Haas during his TED Global talk,[1] is bidirectional, high speed and fully networked wireless communications, like Wi-Fi, using light. Li-Fi is a subset of optical wireless communication (OWC) and can be a complement to RF...