Facebook Reactions, the Totally Redesigned Like Button, Is Here | WIRED image source:臉書/黑嘉嘉 Joanne Missingham 文/凱倫 你會下圍棋嗎?說到圍棋,許多人都直覺是男性下棋的比較多,但下棋不分性別,今天小編就要來介紹這位職業女棋士:黑嘉嘉,人家不僅棋藝精湛、屢獲世界大獎,甜美的臉蛋更讓日本網友驚呼:「千年難得一"Like" you already know— now say hello to "love," "haha," "wow," "sad," and "angry". ... The final six reactions, animated. When a user thumbs over each of the emoji, they animate like tiny GIFs. For “Wow,” the yellow face tilts upwards, its mouth agape....