lily collins

Introducing Lily Collins ▲男友送女友的聖誕禮物讓她氣的想分手。(source:左imgur/右zhidao示意圖非本人)   大家好,我是小白兔! 大家可以想像「你如果一直在期待著另一半給你的禮物是什麼,結果發現是張醜椅子」的時候,你們會有什麼反應嗎?這可不是在開玩笑喔,因為還真的有人這個聖誕節收到一張椅子當禮Our May issue just came out this week (have you got your mitts on a copy yet?) and we’ve already been getting so many comments on cover star Lily Collins’ gorgeous make-up look! Combining THOSE brows with a strongly defined blue line and an otherwise supe...


Lily Collins - IMDb 出門旅行必備利器除了錢還有什麼呢?當然是一本不用申請簽證想去哪兒就去哪兒的任性護照了。 一份新鮮出爐的全球護照給力程度排行榜,又為全球的朋友們出門去玩提供了最好的藉口:免簽和落地簽的地方那麼多,不去太浪費啦!       根據Passportindex.org發布的2Actress: The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones (2013) · The Blind Side (2009) · Love, Rosie (2014) · Mirror Mirror (2012). Born: Lily Jane Collins March 18 , 1989 in Guildford, Surrey, England, UK...


Lily Collins - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   一位 19 歲的年輕女孩懷孕 39 周,居然毫不知情,最後在家中疼痛難忍,癱坐地上,一低頭,發現兩腿當中有個小孩的腦袋鑽了出來,才明白自己生了小孩。 隨後憑藉一己之力,成功將孩子生出。這就是近期發生在紐西蘭的一件事。     她的名字叫 Emma(EmmLily Jane Collins (born 18 March 1989)[1] is a British-American [2][3][4] actress and model. She is best known for her roles in the films The Blind Side (2009), Abduction (2011), and Mirror Mirror (2012). She portrayed Clary Fray in the fantasy film adapt...


Lily Collins Daily ~ #1 Website | | Lily Collins news, photos, information   如果現在問你個問題:你覺得自己生活幸福嗎?你會給出什麼樣的回答呢? 生活在號稱「世界最後一片凈土」的紐西蘭的人們又是怎麼認為的呢? 幸福星球指數(Happy Planet Index)給出了答案:全球第38 名!         源於2006 Welcome to Lily Collins Daily (, one of the best and largest websites about actress Lily Jane Collins. You may know her from her projects like "Abduction", "Mirror Mirror", "The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones", "Stuck In Love", "Lo...


Lily Collins News and Photos | Perez Hilton 世界上最奢華的豪華郵輪「海洋讚禮號」歷經數月,從中國天津港途經多個國家後,終於即將行駛到紐西蘭。 這也是歷史上到達紐西蘭的郵輪中,最豪華的一艘,豪華程度令人髮指!       紐西蘭多個港口即將迎來一位客人,就是目前世界上最豪華的巨型郵輪,母港設在天津港的海洋贊禮號 Get all your Lily Collins news and gossip here! ... See-through dresses continue to be a star favorite! Lily Collins donned a stunning version guaranteed to steal the spotlight at the Golden Horse Awards in Taipei, Taiwan on Saturday!...


lily collins: Latest: - Glamour: Fashion trends, outfits, hair, makeup, celebrity news   澳洲近兩年發生了許多疑似伊斯蘭國的恐怖襲擊行為,讓廣大老百姓人心惶惶。 後來,有個街頭實驗家非常想試試到底人們看到恐怖份子會有什麼反應,於是就裝扮成恐怖份子,假裝恐怖襲擊,結果他的惡作劇在澳洲成功嚇跑了很多居民,沒有一次失敗。       澳洲發生了很多Glamour magazine: fashion, beauty, hair, makeup, diet, health, sex advice, dating, engagement rings, weddings, wedding dresses: ... Just in time for Valentine's Day, Love, Rosie, a new romantic comedy that we can't wait to see, starring Lily C...
