Sorry the service requested is not available for t... - Help & Support Forum 話說,最近出了一個很有趣的新聞.... 大家都知道,川普是一個痴迷推特的男人, 啥大事小事都要在推特上說,推特簡直是他的第一喉舌,比白宮發言人管用得多... 然後....最近有網友發現, 川普他發推的手機換啦! 在5月5日,他發的關於『通俄門』的推特還是來自Robert Ward Help & Support Forum Team Got a problem? Check for faults online with our new service status and fault checker If someone's helped you out say thanks by clicking on the Kudos Star. If someone's solved your problem, why not mark their message a...