line out to mic in

"Line-out" TO "Mic-in", 點去雜音呢?? - 其他電器 - Uwants.com又到了美國學生申請學校的季節了,Reddit上的一位網友的女友正在線上面試。他把女友面試的過程拍下來po上網~他在上面說到:女友為了申請一間很棒的法律學校拍攝面試影片,穿得好正經啊…………………&hel怎說呢?.. 我其實有部 Camcorder 咁佢個 body 有 mono build-in mic, 又有 ext. mic-in 另外我自己有支 condenser mic, 咁緊係插入去用啦 不過因為有 phantom power, 所以出黎既 source 已經係 line-out 我睇過部機既說明書, 佢話如果用 ext mic-in, 部 cam 會 ......


富大電腦工作室: MIC-in與Line-in訊號等級差異 - yam天空部落 你跟也有一個神經質、容易被嚇到的男/女朋友嗎?Georgeson 的女友在生活中非常容易受到驚嚇,也因為如此,他決定把女友Adrienne Airhart的「經典」時刻放上網路,不管是在路上突襲、刷牙、超市採購、做運動,甚至是睡覺的時候,Georgeson都要嚇她一跳!直到Adrienne Air在專業錄音卡的規範下,MIC-in與Line-in雖然同樣為輸入接口,但訊號等級是 ... 舉例來說,您家中DVD player所送出的訊號屬於線級等級訊號(Line-out),連接到音效卡的Line-in端不需要經過放大就可以輕易的讓音效卡辨識出訊號;而麥克風本身的訊號遠 ......


Earphone (Line Out) to Mic In Recording Cable? 小三:餵,你是XX老婆吧?老婆:嗯,你哪位?小三:我是他女朋友,我愛上你老公了,我要和他結婚。老婆:好啊,恭喜,不過這是你的事。小三:他不離婚我怎麼結?老婆:抱歉,那是他的事。小三:他都不愛你了,你還不離婚,我要是你我早離了。老婆:哦,離不離是我的事兒。小三:你傻逼啊 !老婆:誰說誰傻逼 ?小三:I would like to connect Line Out / Earphone to my Recording Device that only has Mic In and no Line ... ... I would like to connect Line Out / Earphone to my Recording Device that only has Mic In and no Line In Basically I just have to convert Line Out si...


Line level - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  Line level is the specified strength of an audio signal used to transmit analog sound between audio components such as CD and DVD players, TVs, audio amplifiers, and mixing consoles. As opposed to line level, there are weaker audio signals, such as those ...


能不能將line out或phone直接連接mic來錄音? - Yahoo!奇摩知識+  原本以為 phone 跟 line out 就是聲音輸出,mic 跟 line in 就是聲音輸入。前幾天要用我的 notebook 錄電子琴的聲音,因為我的 notebook 沒有 line in 的插孔,所以就將電子琴的 line out 接到 notebook 的 mic,結果錄不到聲音,後來改將電子琴的 phone 接到 ......


Line Out (mixer) to Mic In (camcorder) - AudioBanter  Line Out (mixer) to Mic In (camcorder) Pro Audio ... Hi Everyone, I need your help My basic question is I am wondering what I need to use to connect a mixer to a mic input? What I am really trying to do is use a wireless...
