linker error undefined reference to winmain 16

[Linker error] undefined reference to `WinMain@16' 我們常怕打擾別人,而忽略要打個電話問候對方, 久而久之,漸漸疏遠、漸漸陌生...直到有一天,連對方的電話號碼都忘了...或者,怕對方早忘了你,而沒有勇氣再打電話給他了....我想現代人應該都是寂寞的吧?因為我總覺得寂寞。寂寞,與有沒有人陪在身邊,無關。   那是一種心靈上的空虛It seems like you are trying to compile all the cpp files as separate programs (hence, looking for WinMain in the other cpps). I don't know how dev c++ works, but there is probably a way to specify a "project" or something that indicates that your files a...


c++ - undefined reference to `WinMain@16' - Stack Overflow 有一種人是可以很安靜的等待,不會發出任何聲音,只是看著你, 心裡冀望著你的每一個下一步,可以稍稍轉向他所在的地方, 而他早已經準備好,把他所有最美好的事物都給你。   愛人與被愛都是感情對人的懲罰,你選擇愛人,也可能等於選擇了失落與心痛。 你若是被愛,就可能會是別人真心的劊子手。 &nb@Alf P. Steinbach. Thanks so much for your nice reply. As for All you have to do is to tell Microsoft's linker which entry point to use, namely mainCRTStartup, which calls standard main. Is there a way to do that Eclipse CDT as I'm not using the command l...


c - Undefined reference to WinMain@16 when using SDL - Stack Overflow 一個不能自己幸福起來的人,她同時給不出快樂的能量,提著一臉的陰森,誰會想來個吻?   用受苦來栓著一個不愛自己的人是害人害己。 不論妳有多愛對方,如果對方不愛妳,請妳讓他走。 女人或許不會一生都美麗、妳卻可以終生有雅量,那是妳此生的雍容。 讓來到我們身邊的人過自己想過的人生,這是一種對生I've been having a lot of trouble getting everything working so that I can start developing on Windows, as apposed to Linux, which is what I normally use when coding. I'm having a ......


undefined reference to `WinMain@16' - C++ Forum 有人告訴妳,一個快樂的人,是有愛與歸屬的人。於是你的心靈長途跋涉,你的眼睛望穿秋水,你一直在尋找一個能與你相愛、並且讓你有歸屬之感的生命伴侶。可是你在這樣的尋找過程裡也不斷地傷心失望,當發現你總是錯愛了對象,總是在繞了一大圈之後,才知道一切只是幻夢一場。親愛的,也不要把歸屬寄託在任何人身上,畢竟每Thank you for all your help i just solve that crap from some way if you have similar problem you can PM me for solution. and i have question should we create a list of tutorial for how to use the compiler and what the options means and why do we use it? f...


The Dev-C++ Resource Site - Bloodshed Software - Providing Free Software to the internet c 如果讓男人票選最令他們手足無措的一樣東西, 女人的眼淚應該可以排名前三名吧! (我也是這麼認為) 眼睜睜看著一個女人在自己面前哭起來的時候, 男人總是傻了眼,慌了手腳, 心裡暗暗叫苦:天ㄚ!我怎會這麼倒楣呀! 為什麼要讓我碰上這麼棘手的狀況呀!   呵,男人不了解,其實此時他的Why can't I use conio.h functions like clrsrc()? Because conio.h is not part of the C standard. It is a Borland extension, and works only with Borland compilers (and perhaps some other commercial compilers). Dev-C++ uses GCC, the GNU Compiler ......


ld(1): GNU linker - Linux man page 有一種愛,很淒迷 有一種愛,只能遠望 有一種愛,註定要成傳奇... ...    有一種愛,像遙遠的大海,即使被酷日蒸乾了水分, 它仍會化作甘霖,遍灑饑渴的大地... ... 有一種愛,叫作痛,痛得心臟起了褶子, 痛得頭腦空洞無物,痛得意ld combines a number of object and archive files, relocates their data and ties up symbol references. Usually the last step in compiling a program is to run ld. ld accepts Linker Command Language files written in a superset of AT&T 's Link Editor Command ...
