Linkin Park - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia男子不遠千里會網友,發現女子長相與照片判若兩人,體形也相差甚遠。 女子辯稱,自己就是照片中的人,不過是化了妝,用了美圖工具。 大失所望之餘,男子認為受到欺騙,怒火之下大打出手。 最終,經派出所調解,雙方達成和解,男子當天乘飛機回家。 這個也很好看喔!▼ ♥「楊Linkin Park is an American rock band from Agoura Hills, California. Formed in 1996, the band rose to international fame with their debut album Hybrid Theory, which was certified Diamond by the RIAA in 2005 and multi-platinum in several other countries.[1]...