Linkin Park-Valentines Day lyrics - YouTubeisCar! 一天下午,大華下班後正準備回家,沿途經過某一路口過綠燈時,這時有輛消防局所屬的救護車,以時速達80公里的速度,闖過紅燈,準備將車上的病患送往醫院,雖然救護車有開起鳴笛聲,但救護車駕駛人並沒有注意綠燈方向有大華的車行駛而來,當救護車注意到大華時已經來不及,而與大華的車發生擦撞,大華應該如My insides all turned to ash, so slow And blew away as I collapsed, so cold A black wind took them away, from sight And held the darkness over day, that night And the clouds above move closer Looking so dissatisfied But the heartless wind kept blowing, bl...