Isleworth Mona Lisa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 南韓女團Secret,之前以煽情的「抖奶舞」爆紅,其中最吸睛的隊長全烋星因擁有E罩杯加上俏麗臉龐,是南韓演藝圈「童顏巨乳」代表。 日前她才哭哭表示,不希望大奶成為焦點,但她最近拍的代言廣告卻與團員們在街上奔跑,豐滿的胸部,隨著跑步動作上下晃動,性感養眼的畫面,讓男粉絲看了直呼快噴鼻血了。 本日熱門The Isleworth Mona Lisa is a painting of the same subject as Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa, at an earlier age. Though insufficiently examined, the painting is claimed by some to be partly an original work of Leonardo dating from the early 16th century.[1]...