Lisa Bongean's Weblog | a little quilting, gardening and some recipes Zara剛在香港開設其全球旗艦店,把最新的店鋪形象引入到世界上其中最蓬勃的亞洲城市和繁忙的商業中心之一。此旗艦店的設計概念和室內結構特色與它在其他著名城市,如紐約,倫敦,巴黎或馬德里的連鎖旗艦店一致。此店坐落於中環皇后大道,正是香港這個主要以金融和商業活動為經濟樞紐的中心地帶。此門店佔地達55,0Sorry… I didn’t know the address to the new store was not posted on my blog… Primitive Gatherings 26855 Jefferson ave Murrieta CA 92562 We had a wonderful day today at the shop and I had the chance to visit with customers which I never get to do at the .....