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Lisa Bongean's Weblog | a little quilting, gardening and some recipes飛機上,一位男人正對空中小姐吐露不滿的心聲。男人:「抗議!我每次搭機都坐同一個座位,沒電影看、沒有窗簾,害我不能睡覺!」空中小姐走向這位高聲抗議的男人:「機長,您就別胡鬧了。」Sorry… I didn’t know the address to the new store was not posted on my blog… Primitive Gatherings 26855 Jefferson ave Murrieta CA 92562 We had a wonderful day today at the shop and I had the chance to visit with customers which I never get to do at the .....


Lisa Leonard Online在一個有眾多名流出席的晚會上,鬢髮斑白的巴基斯坦影壇老將"雷利"拄著枴杖,蹣跚地走上臺來就座。主持人開口問道:「您還經常去看醫生?」「是的,常去看。」「為什麼?」「因為病人必須常去看醫生,醫生才能活下去。」臺下爆發出熱烈的掌聲,人們為老人的樂觀精神和機智語言喝彩。主持人接著問:「您常請教醫院的藥師,由於此網站的設置,我們無法提供該頁面的具體描述。...


Lisa's Kitchen | Vegetarian Recipes | Cooking Hints | Food & Nutrition Articles阿喬坐在門口玩,一位老婦人走過來問她:「你媽媽在家嗎?」阿喬回答:「我媽在家呀!」老婦人便按了門鈴,但等了很久卻沒有回音。老婦人問:「怎麼沒人開門哪?」阿喬回答:「我怎麼知道,這又不是我家!」Healthy and unique vegetarian dishes specializing in Indian cooking. Vegetarian recipes and more! ... Recipe: Rainbow Salad Chef: Hayley Blog: Chef Be Here Location: UK Colorful plates always stimulate the appetite, and this rainbow salad is sure to cheer...


Lisa-Jo Baker —某日上國文課時,因為放牛班的學生實在太混,教課老師氣憤不過,當下隨便拉了一個同學起來...師:一卷二題共三問答不識四力五式六論竟只寫七八九字,十分不好!生:十課九混總得八天七時六分五刻四秒尚且三摸二請,一等庸師!(師:好樣的!.....整整你!)師:一年四季,春夏秋冬,可笑學生,豈知春秋?生:一地四…this guest post from one of my mom friends and mentors, prayer warriors and fellow mom guilt survivors, Stacey Thacker…. I shut the door to my bedroom, well past eleven o’clock, and headed to my bathroom. Monday behaved as expected and, to be honest, got...


Lisa Mende Design有幽默,生活就不寂寞!語言,是歡笑、幸福的起始點;語言,也是災難、痛苦的引爆點!有一則故事說道:有一對夫妻搭火車旅行,可是沿路上,太太一直嘀咕地講話,一下子嫌火車開得太慢、一下子埋怨冷氣太冷,或服務人員的態度不好......而她的先生,雖是閉目養神,耳朵卻不得閒,必須忍受太太的嘮叨。後來,先生有個機I admit I'm drinking the iPhone 6 plus Kool-Aid! I got it last week. It was a late Christmas present to myself! I leave for Germany in two weeks for Blogtour Ambiente and don't want to drag along a big camera, so this was the next best thing to take. I am...


Faerie Enchantment智商=精神病? 貨車司機送貨到精神病院,當他卸完貨準備回家時,忽然發現有個輪胎爆了。於是將爆胎御下來,就在換備胎時,一不小心,將固定車胎的4個螺帽掉到水溝裡了,撿也撿不到,司機不知如何是好。此時,正巧有個精神病患經過精神病患:怎麼了?司機:螺帽掉到水溝裡了精神病患:這麼簡單的問題也解決不了Blogging my creative, sporty and travel adventures, stay in the know on the latest news/features of the Original Sport Cuffs (SCW), Rocker Cuffs and Lisa Kettell Designs Line. For inquiries contact me at
