戶外潮流複合店Bratpack國際事業部總經理 x JUKSY 開幕特別專訪
Beyoncé - Listen lyrics | LyricsMode.com 還記得前陣子JUKSY為大家報導過的戶外潮流複合店Bratpack嗎?這個來自活力奔放的馬尼拉、主打都市戶外休閒風格,並擁有眾多受歡迎的全球潮流機能品牌的複合式商店,已經在9月23日正式進駐台灣囉!當晚的開幕趴踢可是嗨到讓每個參與者意猶未盡,現在讓我們一同回味當時的開幕盛況,以及Bratpack國7 explanations, 14 meanings to Listen lyrics by Beyoncé: Listen to the song here in my heart / A melody I start but can't complete / Listen ... This song is not just a simple song to me. This is my fave song. When you hear this you will feel that no one c...