live is short

Portal: No Escape (Live Action Short Film by Dan Trachtenberg) - YouTube最近,美國佛羅里達某高中發生了這麼一件事… 故事的主角是個叫Lizzy Martinez的17歲高中生, 上周一的時候,她突然心血來潮決定不穿bra去上課… 穿了一件寬鬆的灰色長袖,她來到學校,自己感覺沒啥,結果卻引發了不小的風波…   同學們各種A woman wakes up in a room with no memory of who she is or how she got there... This is a short set in the world of the Portal video games created by Valve Software. Recommend viewing in HD in FULLSCREEN with sound UP......


Live 8 - Official Site    從一個被妓女遺棄的孩子, 到成為一名頂尖的藝術家, 她是一個不可複製的傳奇。   麗塔·卡貝魯特   夜幕降臨,車水馬龍, 香港各界的名流人士匯聚於此。       他們長途跋涉,只為親眼一睹, 這位歐洲女性“Live 8 was, and remains a brilliant moment but what is more important is the brilliant movement of which it was a part. This gives the poorest of the poor real political muscle for the first time. It is this movement of church people and trade unionists,...


two ways to live : : the choice we all face選舉, 對很多人來說需要深思熟慮把票投給誰。  然而, 對於非洲塞拉利昂國家的小孩子和家長而言,到了大選前夕,他們的內心卻只有恐懼。   一到快要選舉的時候,家長們會必須變得格外小心自己孩子的安全, 因為他們擔心自己的孩子 會被謀殺、被割下各種器官,用於做黑巫術,成全一些政客們的Two Ways to Live is a simple outline of the Bible's message about Jesus Christ and the choice we all face. ... Follow this link if you've been directed here by reading The Essential Jesus or one of our Two ways to live resources Information about the rang...


Butlins - Official Site中天綜合台36頻道每週六晚間8點播出全新一季互動音樂節目《我想和你唱》,讓喜愛好音樂的觀眾繼續享受更多好歌。《我想和你唱》主打專業歌手與普通素人同台合唱,節目找來包括孫燕姿、葉蒨文、胡彥斌、蔡健雅、譚詠麟、范瑋琪、楊宗緯、梁詠琪、動力火車、彭佳慧、李玟、鄧紫琪、獅子合唱團等大咖雲集。本週六(4/7)Family holidays are a special time of year for children and adults alike, so we work hard to make sure everyone has a great time, whether you’re with us for just a day out, a short break during the school holidays or a longer holiday. Butlins has been kee...


EU crushes any hopes of Greek deal this week - business live | Business | The Guardian 話說,英國王室的事兒,一直吸引着吃瓜群眾和媒體們大量的目光。   尤其是嫁入王室7年,馬上要有第三個娃的凱特王妃,作為未來的英國王后,從一開始就註定了永遠不可能低調的生活。       她妹妹Pippa結婚,都能在英國刷屏一周,連一籮筐前男友都被八了個遍。。With the impasse between Greece and its creditors showing no signs of ending, ahead of yet more European meetings, investors were reluctant to take too many changes, writes Nick Fletcher, despite some positive company results which gave some support. The ...


John Butler Trio - Ocean - YouTube ▲不愧是悠亞醬~(source:卡提諾論壇,下同)     大家好,吉編又來了! 大概可以懂為什麼三上悠亞這麼紅了!根據卡提諾論壇文章分享,前日本人氣女子偶像團體「SKE48」成員三上悠亞,自從2015年以愛情動作片女演員身分出道以來,在粉絲間人氣相當的高。不但從默默無名的偶像One of the best instrumental guitar pieces ever. Just incredible i will not send anybody a video or mp3 of this. Go to and buy the album. you must agree and artist of such talen deserves support! :) Hi, i have had a lot of comments ...
