live while we re young

Where Young College Graduates Are Choosing to Live - The New York Times小杯100元,大杯50元。你當我是白痴阿!!???   Some cities are attracting young talent while their overall population falls, like Pittsburgh and New Orleans. And in a reversal, others that used to be magnets, like Atlanta and Charlotte, are struggling to attract them at the same rate. Even as American...


Discover Share Inspire - Raise Your Family - Live Your Dream - Change the World每次都說「我不會」...你到底來幹嘛的!!!   答:我是來領薪水的......Who Are We? Since 2007 our family of 8 has been wandering the globe. So far we've visited 12 countries on two continents... and we're not done yet. Click here to learn more about us... Would you travel with your family if you had more money? That’s an obv...
