Live Ships Map - AIS - Vessel Traffic and Positions - AIS Marine Traffic (source:臉書,下同) 最近在網路上迅速爆紅一位大陸國中男生,名叫Bryan Wee,粉絲人數高達20萬人! 近日他在臉書上傳一則影片,並寫著:「快来抓我,我是你的pokemon!❤️」 ▼影片中他不斷搔首弄姿,而且聲音撩人,讓不少網友傻眼。 ▼這是Vessel positions tracking based on AIS data. Real-time ship locations, port arrivals and departures. ... Click here to "pin" the menu on the map. A pinned menu will remain open while you are interacting with the map. Search Map...