正爆!英國留學的「台版莉亞」 網友:天菜!她是神人等級啊..
CNN Living - Official Site 有鄉民在批踢踢表特版PO文《氣質英國學生妹》,分享了他的留學生正妹朋友,據他爆料稱這位正妹朋友年才20歲,她是Exeter的學生,也有在當Hollister的model,頗有女人味的她有點混血FU的美顏和氣質更激似Leah Dizon! 而黑絲美腿網友紛誇「天菜!幾霸昏」,「正爆了,這是神人等級啊Find the latest CNN news and video about personal life, work life, home and style, and much more about living ... The mother of two girls turned her passion for parenting and work-life balance into a new career path, leaving network TV news for online cov...