living design雜誌

Southern Living - Official Site最近, BBC播出了一部紀錄短片。 這一切,有關於美國的一個領養家庭.....  而這家人女兒的故事,還要從22年前說起....       1995年,8月19日,上午, 錢粉香躺在京杭運河的一條小破船里, 她快要生了。   旁邊是她三歲的大女兒,Online version of popular magazine, with features on travel and vacations, gardens and design, homes and interiors, and foods and hospitality -- the best of the South....


Country Living - Official Site 床戲NG十幾次才成功 Nina自爆第一次很唯美  黃禮豐的第一次居然給了男生?! Nina曹婕妤跟男主角黃禮豐在現場挑戰「青蘋果之吻」,兩人只隔著薄薄的蘋果片親吻,場面超級害羞。兩人在戲裡有脫衣服親吻的床戲,坦言開拍前都十分緊張,導演稅成鐸更在一旁笑說:「光是脫個外衣就脫了好多遍。」黃禮Home decorating ideas, recipes, plus antiques and more from the editors of Country Living ... Fashion may change in the blink of an eye, but some things remain the samethese fun and flattering vintage-style suits blend the best of......


Livingetc magazine, modern design ideas - kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, living room and garden design 2013年的夏天, 嘻哈青年Thomas Troop的好運從天而降。   Troop是個25歲的年輕人,在邁阿密的飯店當廚師。 雖然天天都和茶米油鹽打交道,但他內心最喜歡的還是說唱,他夢想成為一名說唱明星。   他沒背景,沒推手,只有在下班後,和女友擠在一個狹小的公寓里,打開錄音For inspirational decorating ideas and design advice for your modern home, visit offers advice on modern design and decorating ideas for your home ... Become your own interior designer with our new Moodboards tool that lets yo...


Canadian Living - Official Site 說到時尚搭配達人, 大家腦海里第一時間浮現出的,想必都是各大奢侈品牌的時裝發布會,或者是小眾設計師的定製款,再不濟,也得是富麗堂皇的mall,裡面陳列的衣服鞋子,都bling bling閃着人民幣的光…… 但我們今天要介紹的這位搭配師有點厲害, 他的血拚地點,是各種各樣Canadian Living is the ultimate food and women's lifestyle resource, and the official website of Canadian Living magazine. Our website offers ideas and solutions to inspire and enhance your whole life -- from family, home and health to parenting, fashion ...


Sunset Magazine - Official Site 話說, 如果你生重病了,該怎麼辦? 去醫院檢查,聽醫囑,按時吃藥,實在不行趕緊手術。 嗯....這是普通人的選擇,但不是Tristan Roberts的。 得知自己患上HIV後,他的選擇是: 自己給自己做人體基因試驗,通過改變自己的DNA來試圖治癒自己。   改...改變自己的DNA..Discover garden design tips, fast and fresh recipes, home decorating ideas, and travel recommendations. ... With the West facing an historic drought, many people are ripping up their grass to save on water. But what if you can save water and keep the lawn...

全文閱讀 - Official Site 婚姻,是一段艱難的旅途, 帶着疲憊、甜蜜和辛酸... 一路上,兩人會遇到很多人、很多事,回首望去,原來已經走得這麼遠了。   今天,是女王伊麗莎白二世和菲利普親王的結婚70周年紀念日, 英國媒體們鋪天蓋地地慶祝。   夫妻倆一直是王室的『模範夫妻』, 雖然有過各種阻礙,但風風雨The living room is often the first room that visitors see when they walk through your front door, and the space sets the tone for how guests feel about the rest of your home. Your living room is also a place for entertaining friends and relaxing with fami...
