戰鬥民族超兇狠 結冰海面下喝香檳慶祝聖誕新年到來!
Proof: d/dx(ln x) = 1/x | Derivatives of common functions | Khan Academy 只能說又再次被戰鬥民族打敗了,在寒冬之中度過聖誕節以及新年,你選擇用怎樣的方式度過呢,有一群戰鬥民族選擇潛入半結冰的海面之下,帶著聖誕樹以及香檳,冒著超低溫在海面下慶祝,不僅打開香檳起來喝,還圍著聖誕樹繞圈圈,只能說戰鬥民族果然是如其名。 ▼吃這麼冷為何選擇這樣的方式度過新年呢,就因Taking the derivative of ln x ... There is a subtle confusion in your question. Let me follow your line of thought first. To take the 1/x out of the limit expression, he could have done one of two things:...