三方聯名強大鞋款 Supreme x Playboy x Vans 2014春夏系列新品!!
LOD - What does LOD stand for? The Free Dictionary 紐約街頭品牌 Supreme,再度與 Playboy以及 Vans三方共同合作,打造強力聯名鞋款,共同慶賀品牌20週年,以及Playboy 60週年的重要日子,入Playboy經典Logo以及Supreme品牌文字,多種配色一次收錄,值得收藏。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上wwFor example, if someone were looking to access information about the works of artist Jackson Pollock, he or she could easily search and obtain relevant results automatically assembled using the LOD from every museum that owns Pollock artwork....