姐弟戀不稀奇 八成民眾皆能接受
MY ZIJA OFFICE LOGIN 民間俗語「娶妻娶大姊,丈夫如坐金交椅」一說;娶到比較年長的太太,因為太太懂得比較多,較會照顧人,而小丈夫什麼事也不用煩惱,一切由年長的太太打理妥當,多少帶出「娶大姐」較為不普遍的現象,不過現代女性能力越來越強,也越來越懂得追求自我,姐弟戀似乎也相對愈來愈見怪不怪,因此國人對於姐弟戀的接NEW TO ZIJA? To become a Zija Independent Distributor, get back with the person who introduced you to the product and the Zija opportunity. If you need help contacting the person who introduced you to Zija, or you want to buy Zija products, you can contac...