How to Convert Ln to Log 10 | eHow 翻拍自真途(下同) 「內搭褲」也叫做「打底褲」,顧名思義呢,這東西就是讓你穿來內搭或是打底的,為什麼就是有人不明白?他都叫內搭了,就是要你外面記得再穿一件!看完這些桑心病狂的場景,我在也不敢直是內搭褲這個東西了...... 各位看官啊,這到底是有穿還是沒穿Logarithm of a number is the power to which the base must be raised in order to obtain this number; for example, the logarithm of 25 with the base 5 is 2 since 5^2 equals 25. "ln" stands for the natural logarithm that has the Euler's constant 2.71828 as t...