logitech g300

羅技 電競滑鼠G300 開箱分享,功能強大物超所值 - Sinchen 3C部落格想想看!!!! 其實我這邊先做個結論,在規格面上G400只有DPI贏了(因為G300很多規格沒公開),不過在按鍵數與記憶體都是G300才有,但是價差只在100塊之間,真不懂羅技出G300的意義何在? 還是說G400只是為了新瓶裝舊酒翻新MX518呢?...


Amazon.com: Logitech Gaming Mouse G300 with Nine Programmable Controls (910-002358): Electronics失戀後... The Logitech Gaming Mouse G300 gives you more power, more control and more loot. Nine programmable controls let you move keyboard commands to buttons that are in easy reach. Product Details Product Dimensions: 8.4 x 2.4 x 6.3 inches ; 11.2 ounces Shipping...


Logitech Gaming Mouse G300 review - Engadget 圖片來自:http://androidheadlines.com 現在智慧型手機的比拼可說是競爭愈來愈激烈~不論是手機尺吋大小,還是相機的強大畫素~甚至就連裡頭所搭配的核心處理器~都是以等比級數往上加爽的~記得今年初我們也才跟手機迷介紹過第一款搭載四核心處理器的手機(印象中是LG發表的Optimuquote The few G-series features missing in the G300 such as customizable weights and free-spin scrolling seem acceptable trade-offs for the reduced price, but Logitech should have included a tilting scroll wheel for the extra buttons. quote Read the full ...
