quickcam pro 4000 driver? - Logitech Forums冷笑話1:宋朝的人到了現代,他們肚子餓了,這時發現左邊有一家麥當勞,右邊有一家KFC。大部分人都去KFC吃飯了,為什麼?答案:因為他比較喜歡開封菜。一班神武迷去買iphoe 4S,“買iphoe 4S送ipad”跟“買iphoe 4S送swb(上網本)!&rdquI have read several things about drivers being included WITH windows 7 for logitech webcams and that people have connected the device the windows u... ... Great job!! This worked for me too! went to logitech driver downloads, chose vista and 64 bit. http:...