Armor | League of Legends Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia 如果你把右半邊遮住,你絕對無法想像右半邊是什麼模樣。吸過毒讓這些人和過去的自己判若兩人。 我們看過吸菸、拔牙、參戰等各種前後比較圖,但這絕對是最噁心的。這是美國奧勒岡州的反毒文宣"From Drugs to Mugs“,不用photoshop或任何非凡創意,直接給你看吸毒後的模樣便足以Damage reduction Note: One can include the armor penetration in all the following ideas by enumerating it with a due amount of corresponding negative armor. Incoming physical damage is multiplied by a factor based on the unit's armor: Examples: 25 armor →...