Armor | League of Legends Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia慎入!這些人超過10年不洗頭!頭髮竟然都變成...尤其是最後一張! 慎入!這些人超過20年不洗頭!頭髮竟然都變成...尤其是最後一張! 外國人都不喜歡洗頭的嗎????? 像大尾巴。。 全部都結起來了 這一大坨。。 掃帚 下圖慎看!!!! 三大坨 難以忍受 我有一根小尾巴咿呀喲 慎入!這些Damage reduction Note: One can include the armor penetration in all the following ideas by enumerating it with a due amount of corresponding negative armor. Incoming physical damage is multiplied by a factor based on the unit's armor: Examples: 25 armor →...