Sion/Background - League of Legends Wiki - Champions, Items, Strategies, and many more! 1982年12月9日,香港麗晶酒店,他遇見了他。彼時他26歲,而他不過24歲,都是青春年少,一個是歌壇新秀,一個是性情中人.少年裘馬,衣履風流。上一輩的相識,使他們開始了往來.結果,他愛上了他.這時候他的事業,有了掌聲,也有噓聲。而他,一直是銀行界的精英,並開始為他打理財務,甚至在他經濟最困難的時Sion was designed by Ezreal. BY FIZZNCHIPS ... LEBLANC: "Not as a leader, no. But your friend was never so much a leader as a killer. And he has never been more perfectly suited to that role than he is now....