lol english

LOL - definition of LOL in English from the Oxford dictionary 超漂亮的!!! 沒有這神經病的話我這輩子都不會想到電風扇能這樣用阿! 九把刀說:會被嘲笑的夢想,才有被實現的價值! 這句話說得太讚了Laughing out loud; laugh out loud (used chiefly in electronic communic.... Meaning, pronunciation and example sentences, English to English reference content. ... More example sentences Well, you asked for it lol. His mother is one of my teachers. lol. lo...


lol改skin - YouTube 是這樣的嗎?! 噢噢噢噢噢噢喔喔喔喔喔喔 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊(這部分太神秘了)教大家lol如何改skin ... 天飛的 LOL 實況 -『無極劍聖 易大師』- 換了可愛的skin就給我斷線QAQ - Duration: 39:25. 天飛 skyfly 5,279 views...


English Slang – Text messaging: LOL BRB PLZ WTF OMG and more! · engVid 原本期待回家寫開箱文...結果被狗狗搶先一步 他就差沒挖洞把它埋起來了,看他這開心的蠢樣我還能說什麼(心死)English Slang – Text messaging: LOL BRB PLZ WTF OMG and more! Finally understand the slang people use in text messaging and chat in this English lesson! In this free class, I cover: LOL, BRB, ASAP, IOU, PLZ, L8R, ?4U, OMG, WTF, and more!...


LOL!! Learn English vocabulary about JOKES: hilarious, dirty joke, LMAO… · engVid泰國有位網友專門用身邊的東西來裝扮成漫畫人物 還紅到當地的電視媒體都爭相採訪!只能說他不惜犧牲色相!     ↑皮卡丘? ↑ps手把(這也能拌) ↑魔戒咕嚕 ↑冰雪奇緣 ↑北斗神拳 ↑鋼鐵人 ↑ >"LOL!! Learn English vocabulary about JOKES: hilarious, dirty joke, LMAO… What’s the difference between “fun” and “funny”? What do you say when you see something that makes you laugh? What is the difference between “LOL” and “LMAO”? In this interactive ......


LOL - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia美國亞特蘭大一名10歲男童在家門口玩耍突然被綁匪當街擄走,小男孩為了想脫困連續唱了"三小時的聖歌",最後綁匪受不了只好當街將他釋放!   PS:這讓我想到周星馳的齊天大聖-東遊記中唐僧唱的歐歐歐歐歐歐~例由~~歐歐歐歐!!  lul: phonetic spelling of LOL lolz: Occasionally used in place of LOL. lulz: Often used to denote laughter at someone who is the victim of a prank, or a reason for performing an action. This variation is often used on the Encyclopedia Dramatica wiki and 4...
