Introducing the Spring Split EU LCS caster team | LoL Esports相較於《流行花園》中道明寺的「霸道冷酷」,近期偶像劇的男主角形象逐漸轉變,尤其是《我可能不會愛你》中,體貼、溫暖的李大仁形象深植人心,引起「暖男」的討論熱潮,也讓許多的女性幻想著成為程又青!而在許多的行為舉止中,哪一種行為最能符合「暖男」的形象呢?波仕特針對此議題進行調查。 Pollster波仕特線As we kick off a new season of the EU LCS, Trevor “Quickshot” Henry and Martin “Deficio” Lynge will be heading up the caster team hosting 2015’s live broadcast from our studio in Berlin. Moving into leading roles within the team, Quickshot and Deficio wil...