「台中陳浩南」去7-11取快遞? 網友:當下超想自殺
Introducing the Spring Split EU LCS caster team | LoL Esports 我請我弟 幫我用露天買耳機,名子用他的,過了幾天東西到貨時 要去 7-11取貨付款時 ,發現忘記問他用誰的名字,所以打給我弟 ME: 弟 你拍賣名稱用什麼弟:(一陣笑) 叫 台中陳浩南 !!!!!!!這時站在7-11的我發現&nbAs we kick off a new season of the EU LCS, Trevor “Quickshot” Henry and Martin “Deficio” Lynge will be heading up the caster team hosting 2015’s live broadcast from our studio in Berlin. Moving into leading roles within the team, Quickshot and Deficio wil...