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League of Legends第 57 屆葛萊美音樂大獎在昨天順利落幕,除了音樂之外,紅毯上爭奇鬥艷的女歌手們成為全球網友“普天同慶”的好藉口。Rihanna 的粉紅蛋糕裙已經被惡搞遍地,Iggy Azalea 的麻花辮盤頭也沒好到哪兒去。已經 60 高齡的麥當娜穿著 Riccardo Tisci 訂製的Whether you think Korea will be able to repeat their 2014 Worlds victory and take home the coveted Summoner’s Cup again or you just love watching the LCK, you can unlock all 10 team icons in the 2015 LCK Icons Bundle....


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