lol funny comments

Fail LOL Blog Laugh Out Loud Funny Pictures and Videos Blog | User submitted fail LOL epic fail funn聽說日本吉祥物規矩很嚴,絕不能露出真面目!! 這就是對2次元的尊重啊~因為會毀了美好的幻想~ 所以就常出現以下只有在日本特有的情景,太可愛了!!!! 圖片翻攝 下同/微薄   1.擠電梯的大頭   2.擠車廂的大頭   看得出是拚了命的也要混入人群中好好生活呢!! 完全DESTINY CHALLENGE "Blindfolded" Crucible Restraints (Funny Moments) YOU guys challenge me to do crazy stuff in the Crucible. I try it out. Have a challenge? Comment below with it! Twitter: Subscribe: ......


LOL Funny Meme | Memes, funny pictures, funny videos 圖片翻攝 下同/BLOG   俄羅斯沃羅涅日州,攝影師捕捉到一隻紅松鼠在當地森林裡玩耍時,使用一根微小的胡蘿蔔和三個圓形的雪球堆好了一個雪人.這只小松鼠花了一個下午的時間在雪地上滾雪球,完成作品後滿意的欣賞起來~~~ 暗地觀察人類許久終於可以大展神威了!! 好像還會有紅蘿蔔放在這~~ 角Check out this fail: A whole lot of NOPE in this one. They might want to hire a different roofing companynext time. There was reportedly over a million dollars in damage in this accident. Someone might need to dust......


LOLCats - Funny cat picturesisCar! 隨著Mercedes-Benz原廠車系命名方式全面翻新,原本死守著小型敞篷車系之名的SLK(原廠代號R172),也正式宣告將正式更名為SLC,藉此強化了該車系與C-Class的品牌連結。 而本次除了外觀上小幅度更新之外,最引人注目的莫過於全車系引擎配置的重新編成。隨著SLC英國最低30Lolcats, funny cat pictures with hilarious captions. ... Funny cat pictures with hilarious captions!...

全文閱讀 - Funny Pictures, Funny Videos, and Flash Games 示意圖-google地圖 ------------------------------------------靠北男友原文:我男朋友真的很無理取鬧我們再一起一個月前幾天吃 is a web portal for funny pictures, funny videos, and flash games. ... The site has a new owner and a new server! Yes we know that the site is ripped off from FunnyJunk. We would like to change the design and are working towards that, but the c...


Epic LOL Fail | Funny Pictures and Funny Videos ---------------------------------------------Dcard原文:最近在熱戀的我常常在跟閃在甜言蜜語來甜言蜜語去的有天洗澡後要吹頭髮所以就把電話聲音開擴音講:北鼻你有沒有想我:有啊好想好Epic Lol Fail is the site for Epic Fail Pictures, Epic Fail videos and funny pictures ... are you fucking kidding me? awkward babies baby Barack Obama beer Car Fail cars cats computers drunk drunkards drunken people epic epic fail facebook fail fail pictu...


Your Everyday Lol | Funny Pictures, Videos and FML's  圖片翻攝/BLOG   自從猴王出來後,兩邊網友都評論炸了, 幽默的創作全跑出來了, 紛紛覺得自己的猴王審美獨特阿非一般人懂得!!   本文引自/微薄Your daily laugh out loud! Updated everyday with hilarious pictures, lmao videos and funny FMyLife's. Formerly 'Funny Picture of the Day' ... FML #1: Today, while showering, I found eternal bliss, I finally managed to scratch the hell out of that hard-to-...
