lol game is still in progress

[MEGATHREAD]Stuck on "Game still in progress" for the last hour - League of Legends Community【姑娘,我真的是無意的...】據網友:一菇涼在路上行走時,被一輛飛馳而過摩托車刮到裙子!瞬間.....菇涼們行走江湖,穿得清涼,一定要提防這樣的意外情況啊!Me and a friend Therzie have the same problem We finished a game but instead of getting the stats or ......


Game still in progress - League of Legends Community 你有想過假如你今天的穿著比較清涼,那麼路上會有多少人盯著你的胸部看嗎?一般人可能察覺不到這樣的目光,畢竟直視女性的胸部這件事不慎禮貌,但是確實當你打扮得很火辣的時候,你可能會非常吸睛,不信的話你可以看看下面這位走在倫敦街頭的女性得到多少人的注目禮。 原來這是Nestlé Fitnesblank League of Legends window comes up with a small dialogue box in the center that says "Game ......


[HELP] Game still in progress BUG! - League of Legends Community女生來大姨媽都是這樣的……請關愛姨媽期間的女孩子, 無理取鬧只是因為她真的很不舒服,另外更要感謝一直忍耐包容的男生,辛苦你們啦! 圖片來源: cannot play LoL on any of my accounts or on one of my friends account that he letted me barrow. ......
