《七龍珠 改》孫悟空經典的激昂名場面推出限定T恤
LoL - AP Yi is OP - YouTube 過去曾推出許多結合動漫主題的日本創意服飾品牌「COSPA」將在日本的兩家實體店鋪,推出店鋪限定販售的《七龍珠 改》孫悟空激昂名場面T恤。這次所推出的名場面T恤分別有兩款:曾被日本漫畫迷票選為經典台詞第4名,劇情中孫悟空受到弗利沙的挑釁,憤怒到極點的咆哮『你是說克林嗎!!!!!』(クリリンのことかーEveryone says Akali is OP but I don't have any problems beating her! I should point out how badass the tower dive at the end actually is for me; I dodge a tick of ignite with my alpha strike that otherwise would have killed me. Pure skill. Not even close ...