Imagine Dragons live performance concert at the closing award ceremony of S4 LOL World Championship! 圖文引用來源:Gizmodo、世界魔術方塊協會(World Cube Association) 也許讀者看到那個時間的反應是:3x3 的世界紀錄不是已經十秒內了嗎?不~不~不~影片中這位 Kevin Hays 這次(其實已經是二月多的影片了)挑戰的是從 2x2 一路解到 7x7,總共耗時六分二十三Warriors live performance in the opening ceremony HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-0Av... 00:02 - Imagine Dragons on top of the world live 03:40 - Imagine Dragons It's time live 09:25 - Imagine Dragons radioactive live S4 Worlds Playoffs (Quarters,...