多變影后桂綸鎂 自信演繹時尚風采 擔任UNIQLO全新品牌大使 愛不釋手完美合身 UNIQLO LE
Clue Scrolls - Guides - Zybez Runescape 桂綸鎂化身全新品牌大使 時尚演繹 UNIQLO 迷人風采 擁有影后光環的桂綸鎂,不只螢光幕前外型亮麗,私下也重視自己的每日時尚穿搭,首度代言服裝品牌便是受邀最愛的 UNIQLO,擔任2014 年全新品牌大使,自信演繹 LifeWear 的品牌精神。時常因為工作,在外奔波的桂綸鎂A Coordinate Clue will be in a Clue Scroll form like any other normal Clues. You will see something like "02 Degrees 48 Minutes North, 22 Degrees 30 Minutes East" To solve these types of Clues, you will have to have four important things in your inventory...