What’s the meaning of lol, lmao, rofl, brb, afk, ty, thx, and np in Hubpages?學生對把妹的看法 作者: xo1100 (天兵小蝦)在一次宿舍載片被斷網的夜晚跟著室友天談地聊的哈拉著突然聊到把妹的話題某室友曰: 『 現在交女朋友還不是在幫別人養老婆? 』 這當為這理論開始點頭如搗蒜時有個聲音出現了「 換個角度想,那現在交女朋友不就等於是可以玩別人老婆A___A? 」室友呵呵笑的Listing of the answers to the question: What’s the meaning of lol, lmao, rofl, brb, afk, ty, thx, and np in Hubpages? ... I really think this is like anything we do in life. There is evolution in expression. We try so hard in our world to make things shor...