LOL - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia有次甲和乙兩人一起出外旅遊,甲在旅途中患了感冒。 晚上,大家同睡一床。 半夜,甲打了一個大噴涕,乙被噴得一臉都是。 乙警告甲說:『下次要通知我呀!』 過了半個時辰。 甲說:『注意了!』 乙聞言立刻趕緊鑽入棉被中,並確定與外界沒有連通。&nbLOL, an acronym for laughing out loud[1][2] or laugh out loud,[3] is a common element of Internet slang. It was used historically on Usenet but is now widespread in other forms of computer-mediated communication, and even face-to-face communication. It is...